You Calling Me a Whosowhat?

It’s simple and it’s easy.

Children can understand it.

Teenagers have given into it. No peer pressure needed.

Adults of all ages have chosen to accept it. From tribes in the depths of Africa to the cold streets of Russia, and even across the deserts of India people have realized this one prevailing truth.

Jesus Christ died and rose again for everyone’s (yours and mine included) sin. Romans 10:13 states, “For whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord, will be saved.” At the age of fourteen in the church I grew up in I understood that the word whosoever included myself. Though I had been raised in this church I never could actually pinpoint a time when I gave my heart to Christ as my Savior. My mother told me I had done it at the age of seven. Having her remember a time didn’t make me any closer to being saved. So, I took that step of faith, realizing I was a lost sinner, and accepted Christ’s payment.

Have you become a whosoever?

Could you actually say there was a time in your life when you chose to accept Christ’s payment on the cross for your sins? Not what the church, your parents, or even your neighbor told you was the way to salvation, but what God himself told us is the ONLY way to salvation. I wish you would accept this free gift. It will truly determine where you spend eternity.

First you must realize you are a sinner. The Bible says in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” This includes everyone even me.

Next, Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death.” Death? Yes, as punishment for our sin we will die. Not just an earthly death but if we do not accept Christ’s payment, we will die a spiritual death in Hell. Separated forever from a Holy God. Now I don’t want to go to Hell, do you?

Romans 5:8 tells us, “But God shows his love for us in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” What was that? While we were yet sinners… we weren’t even born when Christ died. True, but God did know that one day you and I would be. So, he made provision for that day by sending his Son to take our place and pay for our sin. I know I could never pay for all my sin, could you?

Now at this point if you have realized you are a sinner, you agree that you will one day spend an eternity in Hell as payment for this sin, and you believe that Christ paid for your sins on the cross then there is only one thing left to do. Romans 10:13 states, “For whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord, will be saved”. The final thing to do is simply say either out loud or to yourself a prayer from your heart that you realize you are a sinner and know Hell is your punishment, but you accept Christ’s payment for your sin on the cross. He is the only way to Heaven and life everlasting.

Yesterday was Easter in the liturgical Christian calendar. Some Christians call it Resurrection Sunday in the culmination of Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday. During the week it would include Maundy Thursday, Good Friday (also the beginning of Passover), and of course ending with Easter Sunday. It is also the final week of Lent. We celebrate this Holy Week to remind us of what our Savior completed on the cross. Not just for us, as we are byproducts of his obedience, but satisfying the wrath of a Holy God by spilling his blood as atonement for the disobedience of mankind from the garden of Eden until eternity arrives (Hebrews 9:22-23). It was for sin in its entirety therefore it included yours and mine.

I could never pacify the wrath of a Holy God to make it on my own to salvation and end up in Heaven. My parents would spank me when needed, and I’ve had my Heavenly Father discipline to correct me as well. But I would never want the full wrath of God directed towards me for eternity because I chose my way instead of accepting his. Salvation is not only for our souls. It’s for a restored relationship with our Heavenly Father. Starting here on Earth and ending up in Heaven with him forever (Ephesians 9:13).

Grace and peace, James

*Scripture from ESV, Crossway Publishing, 2001

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