The Word is Stay

Deuteronomy 1:42, “And the LORD said to me (Moses), ‘Say to them, Do not go up or fight, for I am not in your midst, lest you be defeated before your enemies.” This post accompanies combined heartache and joy. The heartache is not even a drop as to what my Lord experienced on the cross.

Have you ever wanted or expected something so much that you believed it to be true? I know for a fact that God called me to the mission field. Of this I am certain. Now here is the heartache. It is not for the foreign mission field (as of right now). Though I admit it seems disheartening to not travel to another place, land, or country to spread the gospel. I still have a heart for missions, and even the missionaries who go, so prayer and financial support are something I can do.

By praying it protects the missionaries in spiritual warfare, safety, and standing with them in asking God for the provisions they need. Every time I get a prayer letter I pray after reading it. Usually, the writer will list a few needs they are asking the Father for, so me stopping to pray will only link prayers with them. Adding them to my prayer list helps them overall as sometimes I can’t remember their specifics. Also, currently I am able to support one missionary monetarily. The Lord usually shows me one to support. By doing so I am standing with them in their field of sowing, reaping, joy, heartache, blessings, trials, and the glory that belongs to our God. I am investing in the spiritual future of people that I might only see in Heaven.

Now here is the joy. What I thought was to foreign missions is actually to the city in which I live. God needs men and women to serve him in the Church just as much as on the field. Both sets are called to live godly lives. The things in which God has shown me to increase my faith needs to be implemented in every Christian’s life. Whether pew or pasture, God does not differ the guidelines to live a holy life. That is why it is important to serve in your local church. Serving your brothers and sisters prepares you for possible areas of service God has prepared for you.

I’m even able to support the local missions right here in my city and state. The local rescue missions, addiction recovery cafes, and those feeding the food insecure all need people to help with their ministries. Even then I am being the hands and feet of Jesus. Someone who receives a loaf of bread might be more open to having a conversation with me that could lead into sharing the gospel. Even if it’s only to pray with someone it is still showing the love of Jesus to others.

Now I have exuberant joy as this too is the will of God. Thank God for his mercy! Thank God not going somewhere else is part of yielding to him as part of his plan.

Grace and peace, James

*Scripture from ESV, Crossway Publishing, 2001 (Moses) added for emphasis

Mark 6:46 – 51

Verse 46- Preparation for the trial

Verse 48a- Trial given to the disciples

Verse 48c- Test to see if they would call out to Him

Verse 49c- Call was given

Verse 50- Acceptance of their need for Him

Verse 51- Peace was granted upon receiving Him into the boat

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