restoried24: Beyond LGBTQ

“When the church is equipped, new stories are told.”

This quote was used as a tagline for the ReStoried24: Beyond LGBTQ conference in Greenwood, IN the weekend of October 4-5, 2024. It’s very true as when the Church (Both big “C” and little “c”) does become equipped through the Holy Spirit to minister to those hurting from sin then new stories of grace are told. Stories of how the Holy Spirit moved in one person’s heart and mind to convict them of how far they are from Jesus, and how he is their only hope for identity and security.

Only Jesus is able to wash someone clean of their sin. No matter what sin it is they have committed, God will forgive once that person accepts Christ’s payment on the cross. Yet the Church is too welcoming of sin instead of crying out for Holy Spirit power to love someone to Jesus. Restory24 presented ideas and means of being available for the Holy Spirit to use you to reach those still held by Satan’s lies.

Linda Seiler, PhD opened the conference with speakers being Joe Dallas, Dr. Paul Hruz, and several overcomers of once being LGBTQ. Breakout sessions were designed to give the conference goers multiple places safe to listen and discuss topics related to same-sex attraction and transgenderism. A couple I attended brought to light of how mother (or father) wounds could contribute to SSA.

I even was able to meet Anne Edwards, Director of Restored Hope Ministries. She along with Joe Dallas was a great help to me online with resources and ministries available to help with me coming out of homosexuality.

For more information, check out ReStory Ministries.

Grace and peace, James

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