John 15:7-8, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.”
In a world of Netflix and whatever innuendo you prefer to use, Christ has called every follower to holiness. In fact, our Heavenly Father is the One who gave the mandate, Paul then emphasized it by stating “be followers of me as I am of my Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).
Yet it was Christ who gave us the specifics on where to reside at all times.
John, the beloved disciple, wrote that Jesus Christ is the true vine. The One, Living, Direct Link to which we should all be connected. Spiritually and physically. Everything we upload or download should be processed through the Vine. I’m using computer terminology to state our human senses in which we intake the world around us. Just as Querty. It should also dictate how we process those files and then release that information back into the world. What we as Christians say and do can either make an impact for Christ or start a virus against him.
When we reside within the Vine, aka Jesus Christ, our worldview should be changed to what he sees. What he loves. What he stands against. And most importantly where he wants us to use his hands and feet to reach the lost. John, who leaned against, or reclined, on Jesus’ breast at the last Passover meal the twelve disciples ate with him, chose to use the vine as a metaphor for life-giving nourishment every Christian needs to thrive. Living a life in Christ can only be done in and through him. We cannot bear fruit, live this life, or even survive the Adversary’s darts alone.
Too many Christians build a firewall of self-confinement in order to protect themselves from the world and its influences. Christ never commanded us to live solitary or away from the world’s influences. In fact, John 17 which is also called the High Priestly Prayer, Christ tells his Heavenly Father, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.” Our place is to shine the light of Christ to a lost and dying world. To spread the Gospel of Christ in our city, state, nation, and the uttermost parts of the world. And a benefit is protection by our Heavenly Father (trials, temptations).
By reclining, relying, fully trusting, or pressing ever so much the more into the bosom of our Savior will only make us become more like him. It will produce more fruit that only the Holy Spirit can grow. Others will see Christ within us thus bringing the lost to him. By abiding, residing, dwelling, or sitting at the feet of Jesus will only bring glory to God. Our requests and wishes should be aligned with Christ’s requests and wishes. Bearing much fruit gives proof that we are his. This also brings glory to God. We become more like him by reclining and abiding.
Where is your life residing and abiding? For me, it’s currently at the feet of Jesus. His pressing and molding would be unbearable if not for his constant love and reassurance that what I’m going through is necessary. Not just for his glory but also for me to be more usable. If that is a word. My trust factor in him is at an all time high. All the eggs are in his basket… to use a farm metaphor. Needing him is all consuming even above acquiring employment or other sundries.
His Word is drawing me ever more into him while I lean on his bosom. Right now, it’s the safest place to be. I pray that the fruit this time is producing is pleasing to him. His glory above all else.
Grace and peace, James
Note: The music of Jeremy Camp has always been timely. His new album “Deeper Waters” is on repeat.
*Scripture from ESV, Crossway Publishers, 2001
*Netflix is a registered streaming media company, 2024