Hello again. God has been blessing in so many ways it is all too exciting to contain within this blog. Church, family and work has all seen God’s miraculous hand throughout. I am only privileged to be a vessel.
Exodus 40:36-37, “Throughout all their journeys, whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out. But if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out till the day that it was taken up.” These verses are both loaded with so much good stuff that I need to back up, get the steam going, then explain.
Chapters 36-39 tell of how the Lord used the wise hearted within Israel to construct the tabernacle in the wilderness. Then men were filled with the Holy Spirit as they performed the set tasks given to them. The Bible says they did “as the Lord commanded Moses.” Moses was the leader, God told the leader, and he in turn passed the memo down to the workers. Every little detail was carried out as God commanded. Nothing was let half done or waiting for someone else to complete. Even the priests were clothed according as God commanded. On top of all this every item was anointed for the service of the Lord. The items were sanctified, or set apart, to the Lord. This included every ladle, pan, candlestick and even the altar. Even Aaron and his sons were anointed as they were the priests using those items on a daily basis. God wanted to make sure they were set apart as well.
Now here is the good part… God commanded Moses to construct the tabernacle. He gave Moses the plans to the minutest detail. God gave Moses able-bodied individuals to carry out those tasks. Those individuals carried out God’s plan. Then God set apart certain men to perform within the tabernacle to continue the plan. Only then did God rest within the tabernacle. Only then did God Himself reside within the tabernacle that he himself had commanded to be built.
Once we get God’s command, enable those God gives us to carry out the command, and then perform the command will he then continue to reside. But it doesn’t stop there. If the cloud moves, then we move. If the cloud stops, we stop. Being in God’s will does not matter where the cloud leads or where the cloud travels, you need to follow. Can you see through a cloud? No. Can you see around a cloud? No. The only choice is to stay behind the cloud and follow. Too many times I want to look around. Too many times I want to look through. I’ve found it very difficult to look through, around or past my Lord. But that is exactly where he wants me. Dependent upon him to lead and trusting in him while I follow on life’s journey. I can only journey in him. Not through or around, but in him.
Right now, God is continuing to work in my life. I don’t feel qualified to carry out the task he has asked me to perform. But I do know that he will be my strength to perform said task. Does my imagination try to look around him? Yes. Does it try to look through? Still yes. But I know one thing is certain. He is my strength in fulfilling his purpose. I must journey behind the cloud through this task in order to accomplish his will. That is why I must journey in him.
Grace and peace, James
*Scripture from ESV, Crossway Publishing, 2001
*Picture courtesy of AdobeStock