Today I realized it’s been quite a while since I looked at pornography. Any type to be exact not just homosexual. Lust is easy enough to fulfill these days, yet only the first rung on that slippery slope downward towards quenching. The Lord and I are traveling through some testing in which I would usually be anxious and fretting all the while trying to break free from his loving arms. This time I know it wouldn’t be beneficial to break free out on my own as the testing would come back around, hence why I’m here again, and the discipline from that action doesn’t get 5-star reviews. True, he does love me through the discipline, yet my best interest is how he gets the glory from this testing. Only he is worthy of glory all the while carrying me on our trip.
Every year for the past five years or so the Lord has given me a vision verse for that year. This usually comes through reading his Word. At the end of each year, he reveals the meaning of why he gave me that verse. Sometimes I think I have it figured out by the middle, yet he lets me know I’m wrong and to wait as years before. That is so like my Lord. The vision verse for 2024 is John 1:16, “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” By placing this verse into context, it is part of our brother John’s description of the eternal existence of Jesus Christ. He begins Christ’s Nativity story with his place in all of time prior to physically being born into this world. He was and always will have an existence as the Light of the World.
Verse 14 states, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John attests to the fact the Godhead sent Jesus to Earth to become flesh just like us even choosing to live as we lived. Yet he was all God while being all man. Tempted as we were yet without sin. Knowing what our trials and temptations are on a day-to-day basis. And in the end my sinless Savior took my sin upon himself to give me life. His completion of accepting God’s wrath reserved for me removed my wretchedness. His grace became my grace. This same Word walks with me on this pilgrim journey here below. Teaching me, training me, testing me. Even what I am going through now. How could I choose to betray him?
This Christmas, he is not far from you. Ever. Though you may feel as if what you have done justifies that there is a distance between, he and yourself, it doesn’t mean Christ isn’t able to span the distance. Come to him with all your messiness and yes, your wretchedness if you want to use that word. Jesus is truly there.
Grace and peace,
*Scripture reference from the ESV translation, Crossway Publishers, 2001