Hello, I am a Tree and I am Fat

Psalm 92:13-14, “They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.”

I’ve never been through a 12-step program, but I understand the concept as I have attended Celebrate Recovery and been in therapy. The individual seeking help chooses to enroll in the selected program in hopes of overcoming their addiction or problem. God on the other hand has a different kind of program called the 24-7-365-life program. The concept is much harder to understand, and many people choose not to enlist as it involves a total life commitment. Odd because every Christian is enrolled whether they want to be or not.

This 24-7-365 program has only one guideline: complete obedience to our Heavenly Father. Even when you don’t understand, get any answers, or know the reason. The best part about the guideline is Jesus Christ himself helps you follow that rule! The reason why? He wants you to become fat. Yes, fat. Rolly polly, plump and juicy, busting at the seams, enormous kind of fat that only he can appreciate. The overcoming anxiety, SSA, fear, addictions, trauma, stress, and all spiritual battles kind of fat.

How does this become accomplished? You get planted. Yes, planted. Every Christian is a tree planted somewhere in God’s garden. Psalm 1:3, “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” If you choose to soak up the Son, you grow. If you choose not to, you wither away. Plant yourself in God’s Word and you will not spiritually shrivel up and die.

The why of becoming planted? To bear fruit (John 15:8), i.e.: “prove to be my disciples”. You see a fat tree bears much fruit – hence being known as a fat tree. The more you soak up the Son, the fatter you become. The fatter you become, the more fruit you bear. The more fruit you bear, the more you need to soak up the Son. Vicious cycle yet one that the Father delights to see in his children.

I say all this to bring you to the whole reason to become fat: glory. Yes, glory. Glory to the Heavenly Father, who in his grace and mercy chose to save our souls from the eternal flame. And yes, your sin is no bigger than those around you. You in turn must be used to bear fruit for him. There is no use of having a skinny tree around. No shade. No shelter. No fruit.

Oh, may my boughs droop with fruit. Oh, may I become a fat tree! Oh, may my life bring glory to my Heavenly Father!

Grace and peace, James

*Scripture from ESV, Crossway Publishers, 2001

*Picture courtesy of Flickr

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