When I was young my mom was faithful.
Who would wake me up every morning? Mom.
Who would make me breakfast? Mom.
Who would help me get ready for school? Mom.
As I grew older, I soon learned to trust her to help me with a host of other things. Homework, projects, cleaning my room, and when I had my first crush on a girl, she helped me make a Valentine. Not to mention being a good “back seat driver” when I was learning how to drive. Mom was always there.
Now isn’t that the exact place God wants to be in our lives? 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 reads, “For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him.” We know we cannot obtain salvation any other way except through Jesus Christ, but once we have accepted him, we should be living with him; daily. This should be done whether we wake (that means alive) or sleep (that means to be deceased).
The totally cool part of this is if we skip to verse 24 of the same chapter reads, “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” HALLELUJAH! Not only is God our salvation but he is faithful in helping us to be his children! Our Heavenly Father wants to be there whether we wake or sleep in order to make sure we are living right for him. This is awesome! This parallels with 2 Corinthians 5:9, “So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.”
I once heard a radio preacher state that we shouldn’t talk to God on every subject in our lives. WHY NOT! He already knows our hearts, knows what is going to happen anyway, and I’m pretty sure he is the one who brought the situation into our life. Um, why wouldn’t you want talk to God on everything in your life?
So, what I’m saying is that Jesus Christ, who saved you, will also help you live for him? Bingo, I think you’ve got it! He is more faithful than my mom, no offense mom, as he is there at every step and every turn of my life. Only God knows what’s exactly in store for me every morning when I awake. Just as he knows what step I should take at every turn of my life; God wants to be there to make sure my steps, turns, and walk is with him. If I am deceased, then I am already walking with Christ in Heaven. But as my heavenly life has not begun, my Heavenly Father wants to walk with me in my earthly life. Oh, how this makes one put their life into a different perspective.
I would rather walk aside the One who never fails than to step alone with the one who fails always.
Grace and peace, James
*Scripture from ESV, Crossway Publishing, 2001