NOTE: This post was written in 2010. At the fifteen-year delivered mark, I thought it was appropriate to remember my journey’s commencement. The Adversary is still trailing behind hoping I will return.
Right now, my faith is being tested. It’s been a year since I turned from the homosexual lifestyle and ran towards the Savior. Following along behind me has been the Adversary and his tormentors. In front of and around me has been God Almighty and his army of angels with flaming swords fighting for my spiritual existence. Becoming the needed strength in all my weakness. Hallelujah!
I was reminded of 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” At times I just want to cry. During those times the Lord draws closer and reminds me that I am not alone. He is the lover of my soul. He is always faithful. He will perform that great work within me as he promised.
My Adoni! My Almighty!
Grace and peace, James
*Scripture from ESV, Crossway Publishers, 2001